CX Conversations

CX Conversations

Vivek Jaiswal

CX lessons from CX leaders, from around the world

Categorias: Finanzas

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Steve Jobs once said, "Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works."

While organizations do focus on the look and feel, unfortunately, the 'how it works' part is ignored. And from the customer's perspective, this is a pain point that needs to be worked upon.

The concept of customer shadowing can help overcome these pain points and design robust customer service. Customer shadowing is like being the fly on the wall while a customer goes through his/her journey.

To discuss customer shadowing and how to use it to improve and innovate customer service design, I have with me Andrew Gallan, Assistant Professor of Marketing and the Director of The Centre for Services Marketing and Management at FAU School of Business, Florida.

Among other things, Andrew and I discuss:

  • What exactly is customer shadowing?
  • How is it different from mystery shopping?
  • What insights can one expect to derive of a customer shadowing exercise?
  • How can customer shadowing impact customer experience?

Honestly, I didn't know much about Customer Shadowing before this podcast. Thanks to Andrew, I learnt a great deal and I can assure you that you would learn something really interesting in this podcast.

Connect with Andrew Gallan on



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Episodios anteriores

  • 41 - "Using customer shadowing to improve and innovate customer service design." with Andrew Gallan 
    Tue, 31 Dec 2019
  • 40 - "How to bridge the gap between business and CX strategy?" with Adrian Swinscoe 
    Thu, 19 Dec 2019
  • 39 - "How to design customer-centric organisations for sustainable growth?" with Heidi Beets 
    Tue, 17 Dec 2019
  • 38 - "How to develop and deliver a brand promise from the customer perspective?" with Neil Sharp 
    Tue, 10 Dec 2019
  • 37 - "Creating a healthcare brand with customer centricity and CX at the heart" with Rohit MA 
    Tue, 03 Dec 2019
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